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The Game of Go
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Product Code:GO0038
Product Condition:Used
£20.00 inc. tax
Not to be confused with the classic Waddington's travel game, this item has it's origins in Ancient China over 4000 years ago. The first mention of it was by Confucius in 500 B.C. Gradually spreading to other Oriental countries it has since become acknowledged as the national game of Japan and is more highly regarded than chess. Players are graded along similar levels as in Judo from the Kyu or junior grades up to 9th Dan. A high level skill and strategy game it is becoming more well known around the world with many countries having their own associations. This particular item is about 40 years old and has survived well. The box is strong and intact but has suffered some heavy rubbing along the edges and one corner in particular has slightly more damage than the rest of the box. The lid depicts a typical Chinese/Japanese style illustration of a man and woman playing the game while another woman observes, all are in traditional costume, and in the background are traditional Oriental scenes of trees, mountains, buildings and boats. The lid is unfaded and shows the Oriental design and colouring well however there are some surface blemishes but these hardly detract from the beauty of the artwork. Inside the cardboard and plastic storage trays are in perfect condition. All the plastic playing pieces have been counted and recounted and are complete. The double sided laminated cardboard game board is in good condition with just one small surface scratch on the large playing grid but this does not affect the playing of the game. The instruction booklet is also included. An unusual game ideal for a vintage games collector, someone with an interest in the Orient and Far East culture, for someone looking for a more challenging game to master or for a novice player of Go.
Date: c.1970's
Maker: Ariel Games/HP Gibson & Sons Ltd
Made in Great Britain
Dimensions (Box): 39cm x 38.5cm x 3.5cm
Date: c.1970's
Maker: Ariel Games/HP Gibson & Sons Ltd
Made in Great Britain
Dimensions (Box): 39cm x 38.5cm x 3.5cm
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